Over the past 2 days Demetri has gained 35 grams and now weighs 1449 grams which is equal to 3 lbs. 3 oz. Yesterday he slept most of the day, probably still recovering from taking 6 of 8 bottles the day before. He has done better today, taking 3 full bottles so far. Now we understand why they say learning to eat is the most frustrating part of the NICU stay. He was eating so well a few days ago and now seems to be back at the beginning of the process, kind of "learning" to eat again.
The chromosome study is not complete yet, so we have to wait until at least Monday to hear anything. In the end it is not all that important because it will not change anything that we are doing and our love for him.
Demetri did have another apnea yesterday, but this was still before the increase in his dose of Caffeine. So we will have to see if this increase will stop the apneic events.
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