Saturday, April 4, 2009

April 4, 2009

Let's get the weight gain out of the way. Demetri gained 26 grams and now weighs 3 lbs 4 oz....and now to the good stuff! As of today, the plan is to have an MRI of the head (asked for by the geneticist) and a follow-up renal ultrasound on Monday. The nurses are to do a hearing screen when a quite moment presents itself. We need to find a new car seat for Demetri that goes down to 4 lb babies and then if he passes his car seat study (a test to see if he maintains his heart rate and oxygen saturations while sitting in the car seat--if he does not pass we then will have to get him a car bed which is similar to a regular car seat except that the baby lies down in it) and all else goes well we get to bring him home at the end of next week. This means that he cannot have any more apnea events, because if he does have one we have to restart the count down of 5 days.

But wait....we have alot to do before he gets home. We have to finish painting and moving the office out of his bedroom and into the basement (not that he has to have a bedroom right away, we just have to have time to get the fumes out before he gets there). Then there are the things that we really do need to get for him to come home, like the car seat. We are cautiously excited but excited none the less.


  1. I'm cautiously excited for you guys! Thanks for posting for us to keep up with what's happening in your life. Call me anytime.

  2. Hey there, what good news, I know you all will be happy to get everyone under one roof.
