Demetri was dressed in a green sleeper and wrapped in a green blanket when we got the hospital this morning. He was wide awake looking for something to eat. We tried to bottle feed him, but after waiting so long (20 minutes late starting the feeding because he was supposed to get a renal ultrasound) and then filling his diaper, he did not have the stamina to finish the bottle. And he did not get to stay in that green sleep long enough for us to get a picture of him, he pooped out of his diaper before we got the chance. He did take his entire bottle at the 2pm feeding well.
He gained another 5 grams today and is up to 1071 grams. They may have to increase him to 26 cal/oz breast milk for him to start gaining more weight. He had a repeat renal ultrasound this afternoon and the tech thinks he still has very mild hydronephrosis of the left kidney. We will have to wait for the official report from the radiologist tomorrow.
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