Some test results have come in, but we are still waiting for more. The EEG did not show any seizure activity and his RSV test was negative. He had a cardiac echo last night that confirmed the presence of a bicuspid aortic valve, an ASD (a tiny hole between the left and right atria), and left pulmonary artery stenosis (this can be a normal variant but we will just have to watch it). They were not able to track down the genetic test kits from California, so we are hoping that tomorrow the blood for the chromosome study will finally get sent off.
Tomorrow will be a busy day for us. Eleni will be getting tubes in her ears and her adenoids removed. This will require a delicate balance between NICU time and surgery/recovery duties with big sister.
Hope Eleni does well tomorrow!!!! Should be a treat, maybe ice cream from the cow store! We pray daily for Demetri and read about him everyday. Nana keeps us up to date as we are trying not to bombard you with calls as I know time is little as it is. Just know that we think about you daily and cannot wait to see you guys. We love you lots.....Derek, Shannon and Lily