Tuesday, March 10, 2009

March 9, 2009

Demetri gained weight again today, 14 grams, and is up to 940 grams. He is still trying to take all of his bottles. For the second day in a row he has taken all of his 8 pm feeding, this must be his most alert time of day.
Two nutritional supplements were started today, Vitamin D and sodium chloride. Vitamin D is always added to feedings of preterm infants (to help with calcium usage and bone growth) and Demetri has low chloride levels (due to the small volume breast milk feedings he is getting).
He is still doing a great job of maintaining his temperature and the air temperature of the isolette is being weaned all the time. He also is making his way through his whole wardrobe quickly by peeing and pooping on all of his clothes (especially when Dad changes his diapers)!

1 comment:

  1. We are so glad to hear he is gaining weight and doing well! We are excited to see him again soon - and his big sis! She is going to take such good care of him! :) Let us know if you need anything! Ryan, Jen, Hannah & Finn
