Friday, March 27, 2009

March 27, 2009

Demetri is 4 weeks old today. After losing 13 grams yesterday, he gained 63 grams today. This puts him at 2 lbs. 13.5 oz. He has taken 6 bottles in row and he is finishing them faster with better coordination. The other good news of the day is that the blood for the chromosome study has finally been sent off to California.


  1. Happy one month birthday, big guy! It's so amazing to see your face filling out as you grow into your skin :). Glad to hear the sample finally made its way to sunny California. Hope your dad did great on his finals! Love, Thea Betsy

  2. What a cutie pie!!! He is looking more and more like daddy......sorry Kristen, 0/2!!!! Love you all.
    Aunt Shannon
