Monday, March 9, 2009

March 6, 2009

They had to restart the phototherapy lights yesterday, Demetri's bilirubin went up again. So he is sun tanning again. The speech therapist came to evaluate him and was impressed with his tongue strength and suck/swallow coordination. She said he was a "great eater." She left tiny nipples for him to use that fit his mouth better.

He gained weight last night, 20 grams, and now weighs 910 grams. That's about 2 lbs!! He had a head ultrasound to look for bleeding in the ventricles, but it was normal. He also had a renal ultrasound that showed very mild hydronephrosis on the left. They are not going to treat it now, just follow up in a couple of months.

Demetri is now taking 17 ml of milk (his full feeding) and they are increasing the calories from 20 to 22 using fortification powder. This should help him gain weight a little faster.

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